Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
Friday, September 03, 2004
Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
---September 2004 Edition--- (current subscribers: 12,975)++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
New and updates to http://brains.org and Kathie Nunley's
Layered Curriculum (tm) Site for Educators: http://help4teachers.com
Newsletter subscription available at: http://help4teachers.com/newsletter.htm
UNSUBSCRIBE information/link at the bottom of this newsletter

SECTION ONE: Teaching Tips -

Teaching Tip #1: Use disposable cameras in class. I've had kids use them in Chemistry class to take pictures of lab set-ups, equipment, acid-base titration end points. Sometimes they include them in lab reports and sometimes we just hang the pictures. I've also done team building activities, scavenger hunts, etc. Mary Cummane, Chicago, IL.

Teaching Tip #2: I use the "jigsaw technique" for lengthy reading assignments. Christine Miller, Frontier Regional, Massachusetts. [jigsaw is a method where each person is responsible for doing one part and then they come together in a group - with others representing all the pieces - and share]

Teaching Tip #3: I put the student's names on manilla folders and let them decorate them on the first day of school. I cut off the tab, laminate the folder, then I staple the sides and tape it to the side of the student's desk. Any papers that have not been completed go in this folder. I can look around the room and see who has work to do. Also it helps the inside of the desks stay paper free. Sarah Stevens, Bovina, TX.

Send your favorite teaching tip to: kathie@brains.org


HOT TOPIC #1. Autobiographical memory or "episodic" memory has long been considered strongest and easiest recalled when attached to emotion. Researchers in Germany were trying to find out if these "affect-laden" memories used different neural networks and if there was a difference between happy or sad memories in terms of which brain areas were involved in the retrieval. While there were some differences in other brain regions, the area known as the orbitofrontal cortex was common to both types of affect-laden information processing. Happy memoriesinvolved more of the hippocampus regions, while sad memories used regions of the right lateral temporal area as well as the left cerebellum. Markowitsch, H. et al. (2003). Cortex. Vol. 39(4-5), 643-665.

HOT TOPIC #2. Men and women think differently. (Did you need research to tell you that?) In case you do need the research, apparently researcher in Georgia used EEGs to record brain activities while male and female students attempted to mentally rotate both 2 and 3 dimensional models. In the simpler 2 dimensional models, men used their left parietal lobe for the most part while women used their right parietal lobe primarily. On the more complex 3-D models, both men and woman used their right parietal area the most. While men and women performed equally well on the 2-D models, the men performed better on rotating and manipulating the 3-D models. Roberts, J. & Bell, M. (2003). International Journal of Psychophysiology. Vol 50(3), 235-246.

Read more Hot Topics at the websites!

SECTION THREE: Website Updates

~~The 2nd edition of Layered Curriculum is finally here!!! Three years in the making, this new edition includes detailed modification suggestions for a variety of issues including traditional vs. block schedule, Math, Kindergarten, homeschooling, adult education, honors and AP classesand more. It also includes elaboration on the new "diamond" shaped modification for those of you needing "B" layer emphasis. You can read the table of contents and order a copy at: http://help4teachers.com/books.htm

****New on the website:

**New Layered Curriculum units: Jody Paramore in Winterville, North Carolina has sent us 2 new units: one on Scientific Methods and one on The Universe & Stars for high school.Thank you once again Mr Paramore!! Cathy Phelps and Kerry Blocker from Brockport High School in Brockport New York have sent 2 units - one on China Nationalism and Colonial America & Roots of government. Cathy and Kerry are a Regular Ed / Special Ed team.

**There is a new discussion board. If you'd like to visit with other educators on the topic of Layered Curriculum, post your ideas, questions and comments at:
http://bbs.cartserver.com/bbs/s/1538/index.cgi or link to it from any page at the website.

**** Newsletter now posted on-line too.Due to the increased use of email filters, many of you have asked for an alternate way to view this newsletter. I now post every issue of the newsletter the day it goes out, on-line at: http://www.nunley.blogspot.com/Bookmark the page so that if you ever have problems receiving the newsletter via email, you can read it online.

******Coming Soon: The Layered Curriculum video training package. By popular demand we are now going to be offering a Layered Curriculum video training package for schools. Expected availability October 1. You my preview the packages and pre-order at: http://help4teachers.com/video.htm

SECTION FOUR: Kathie's Email

Dear Kathie, I am just learning about Layered Curriculum. Does the teacher do any teaching or are they just supervising? - no name
N N - I think what you're really asking is "Do Layered Curriculum teachers do any "whole class, direct instruction"? (because I think anytime a student is learning in my classroom, I'm teaching). But to answer that question, YES - most teachers still use a significant amount of whole class instruction, ie: lecture, demonstration, story, etc. I like to start each class period with a brief lecture to go over a new topic. The rest of the period is spent on individual work. Hope that helps. --Kathie


Kathie: I enjoyed so much the 2 day workshop for Springfield LocalSchools. Here is something you might add to your brain research..HA HA HA HA. Thanks again. Vicky Risacher, Intervention, 7th gradeAoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in wahtoredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the fristand lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and youcan sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed erveylteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe and the biran fguiers it outaynawy.
Vicky, I've seen something like that before - amazing, huh? Thanks for sending it so I can share it with everyone! - Kathie

I keep seeing "use an A-level sheet". What is this? Can you show it to me?Thanks!, Scott H. =================================
There may be a sample of an A layer assignment sheet on the website. I know there are samples in the books, but basically it's just a simple sheet for the students to gather their information for the A layer Assignment. Remember that A layer assignments are supposed to give students an opportunity to mix research with opinion, ethics, values, etc. So the A layer sheet just gives them an outline for them to summarize and cite their research. You may also offer a space for them to write their critical analysis or opinion. Some teachers use a form for this other just let the kids do it on their own paper. Best, Kathie
SECTION FIVE: Workshops/calendar schedule/misc
Happy September. For most of you school is in full swing. For many, you are just starting your first days. I had a terrific August - lots of great places and people. Thanks to the teachers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, California, Utah, Rhode Island, and North Carolina for their fine hospitality over the last two weeks.

This fall brings lots of exciting changes and additions to Brains.org and Help4Teachers.com. First of course, the long-awaited 2nd edition of "Layered Curriculum" came out - reflecting all the changes the model had undergone during its infancy. The video many of you have been asking for is finished and is in final production as we speak, so those of you wanting a video training program, it's just about here.

We have a few other things in the works, including a "brick and mortar" storehere on the east coast - but details of that will be coming in a few weeks.

We have new workshops & conferences in the planning for Ellicottville, NY;Billings, MT; Miami, FL; and Las Vegas, NV. As workshops are confirmed they are posted on my calendar at: http://help4teachers.com/calendar.htm

Summer and Fall 2005 dates are now available. Let me know if you need me to hold something for your school or district. Keep in touch.
As usual, my best to you and yours. Kathie
Dr. Kathie F. Nunleyhttp://help4teachers.comhttp://brains.org
Layered Curriculum (tm) - because every student deserves a special education (tm)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Workshop information is available at the website
orcall: 603-249-9521
email: kathie@brains.org
Brains.org and Help4Teachers is located at:
54 Ponemah RoadAmherst, NH 03031
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