Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Dr Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
---mid-April 2012 Edition--- (current subscribers: 14,683)
News and updates to Kathie Nunley's Layered Curriculum® Sites for Educators:
http://Help4Teachers.comhttp://brains.orgunsubscribe and email change links at the bottom
TEACHER TIP #1:  Decorate the windows of your high school with window decals from colleges and universities that your graduates have attended. 
(seen at Noble HS, ME) 

TEACHER TIP # 2: Every time I make some sort of error, whether it be a
calculation error on the board or an error in the solutions of a
worksheet, I reward the first student to recognize it and correct it
with a lollipop. It keeps them alert and motivates them to question their 
and my solutions. Mark Bolivar, Upper School, The York School, ON. 

Send your favorite teaching tip to me at Kathie@brains.org
------SECTION TWO: HOT TOPICS in Neuro & Educational Psychology------

HOT TOPIC # 1:  Pre-adolescent girls with ADHD were measured for 
Executive Function (planning, organization, attention, working memory, 
etc) and then tracked for 10 years into adulthood. Regardless of whether 
or not the ADHD symptoms continued, the girls continued to show 
problems with Executive Function into adulthood compared to the control 
group of girls without ADHD. 
Miller, M.; Ho, J.; Hinshaw S. (2012, April 2) "Executive Functions in Girls 
With ADHD Followed Prospectively Into Young Adulthood." Neuropsychology, 
preview nps. 
HOT TOPIC #2:   Adding traditional paper-based study aids (especially 
those prompting key ideas) does increase learning via computer and 
game-based applications. Providing a list of main ideas to look for seemed
 to benefit all learners.  But simply having  a paper sheet for the students 
to fill out as they went along only favored a few learners. 
Fiorella, L. & Mayer, R. (2012, Apr 9). "Paper-Based Aids for Learning With
a Computer-Based Game." Journal of Educational Psychology, preview, nps. 

More Hot Topics at the website:  http://brains.org and at :  

Also new topics via Twitter: http://twitter.com/kathienunley 
The 4-part video series on designing Layered Curriculum® units is available 
for viewing at the website:  http://help4teachers.com/videos2.htm 

Additional Hot Topic videos are posted at http://help4teachers.com/videos.htm   

The Layered Curriculum® Text / Workbook set now comes with Free U.S. Shipping:  

Dear Kathie
The response to your upcoming workshop (June 21) has been wonderful!  I have 
also had a few queries if you will be doing this workshop anywhere else 
in SA as some people cannot make it.  Cathy B., Grahamstown.  

Hi Cathy, 
I'm really looking forward to my return to South Africa.  And yes, I will 
be doing the same presentation a few days earlier in Johannesburg. 
That presentation is also hosted by SAALED, and open to outside 
participants.  And on June 11, I'll be presenting for the Special Needs 
Network in Windhoek, Namibia.  I believe that too is open to outside 
participants.  - Kathie

Good morning.  This mid-April newsletter is a few days late due to everyone's 
spring break.  Last week was a beautiful week for spring break here, but this 
week is not looking too "springy"  with the cold and rain.  

I want to thank the teachers in Ontario who last week, once again, showed 
me a warm welcome at the Students At Risk Conference.  Very nice day!  

There are many new, upcoming Layered Curriculum® workshops on 
my calendar, so 2012 promises to be a busy year.  Teachers and districts 
are discovering how wonderful Layered Curriculum® works with new 
blended learning platforms.  I'm working on some sample units for all of you 
specific to high schools who are moving to blended learning - keep an eye on 
the Twitter feed and this newsletter for those.  

If you are looking for a workshop to attend, my dates and locations are posted 
on the calendar page:  http://help4teachers.com/calendar.htm 

I still have a few openings on my fall calendar for (1 slot left in August and October 
and 1 in December).  If you need a Layered Curriculum® workshop at your location, 
just send me an email.  

As always, my best to you and yours, 

Dr Kathie F Nunley
Layered Curriculum® . . . because every child deserves a special education (tm)
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