Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Dr Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
---November '11 Edition--- (current subscribers: 15,249)
News and updates to Kathie Nunley's Layered Curriculum® Sites for Educators:
unsubscribe and email change links at the bottom
TEACHER TIP # 1: Gather students at the rug after independent reading
Judi Ropogo, K-6, Orde St. PS, Toronto.
TEACHER TIP #2: My classroom door can be a "Magic Door." If kids
come in with an attitude, or swear by accident, then they must physically
walk through the door and park their attitude outside before returning. I
remind them we are in the class to have fun as well as learn in a positive
atmosphere. Lea Konforte, Harbord, C.I., Toronto.
Send your favorite teaching tip to me at Kathie@brains.org
Watch for more tips via Twitter: http://twitter.com/
------SECTION TWO: HOT TOPICS in Neuro & Educational Psychology------
HOT TOPIC # 1: In case you need one more reason to get rid of plastic water
bottles in your school, here new research on Bisphenol-A (BPA), which is
found in many food grade plastics. It is a serious endocrine disruptor. For
a long time, researchers have suspected it causes brain development problems
in children, but new research shows even a very small amount (well below
the FDA's safe daily limit estimate of 50 g/kg/day)can impair both visual and
spatial memory in people of all ages as it reduces the actual spine density
on dendrites in the prefrontal cortex, and has an effect on the hippocampus. .
Eilam-Stock, T. et al. (2011). "Bisphenol-A impairs memory and reduces
dendritic spine density in adult male rats." Behavioral Neuroscience,
Oct 17 issue preview. No pagination specified.
HOT TOPIC #2: Research released this past summer shows that elementary
teachers believe that shy / quiet children are less intelligent and assume
they will do more poorly academically than their more talkative peers. In a
study involving hundreds of elementary teachers, researchers found these
attitudes among teachers lead to different teaching strategies as well. Teachers
tend to use more high-powered and social learning strategies with talkative /
exuberant children and more indirect teaching strategies with quiet children.
Coplan, R. et al. (2011). "Is silence golden? Elementary school teachers'
strategies and beliefs regarding hypothetical shy/quiet and exuberant/talkative
children." Journal of Educational Psychology, Jul 11 edition.
More Hot Topics at the webstie: http://brains.org
New Layered Curriculum® Units:
Dorota Blondowski in Afton, Iowa sent a new 8th grade science unit.
Josh Vagi in Algonac, Michigan sent a new 8th grade social studies unit.
Jaime Stuart in Lebanon, Maine sent a new 4th grade social studies unit
See all the sample units at:
The Brains.org Bookshop is open again! We apologize for the delay in
shipping materials last week. We were closed due to a state-wide
power outage. We are back now and caught up on all orders.
We carry Layered Curriculum® texts, workbooks, videos and training kits.
We appreciate your support.
=> We always offer the Layered Curriculum® TEXT and WORKBOOK set
for the direct, discounted price of $42.00 as well as individual multi-media
study kits for teachers.
You can order any of these and other recommended books at either online bookshop:
Happy November. I'm a wee bit late getting this November issue out,
but we've had a whopper of a week here in New England. You may
have heard that we were hit with a very un-seasonal snow storm
last week which closed down a significant portion of the northeast.
So we were dark for 6 days. No power, no heat, no water.....talk about
a pioneer experience!!
We're back now and just in time as I'm heading out tomorrow for
Toronto and the Ontario School Counselor Association's conference.
Later this month, I'll return to Ontario to work again with the teachers
in Orangeville.
I've got new workshops going up on the calendar and my southern
African trip next June is shaping up to be a fascinating trip through
3 countries and 6 cities. I'll be in Namibia, Botswana and South
Africa and look forward to another visit to this beautiful region.
If you are in the southern Africa region, many of these workshops
will be open to outside participants, so I hope you will join us.
To see a list of all my workshops, check the calendar page:
If you are looking to host a Layered Curriculum® workshop this school
year, my spring, summer and early fall calendar for 2012 is now open.
Just send me an email.
As always, my best to you and yours,
Dr Kathie F Nunley
Layered Curriculum® . . . because every child deserves a special education (tm)
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to Dr. Kathie F Nunley. Usage information available at: