Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
Friday, July 15, 2011
Dr Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
---mid- Summer '11 Edition--- (current subscribers: 16,506)
News and updates to Kathie Nunley's Layered Curriculum® Sites for Educators:
(need to unsubscribe - just reply to this newsletter)
TEACHER TIP # 1: I write essential things on a wet chalkboard. That way,
I can erase the board and the essential stuff stays until I wash it off (uses:
class rules, schedules, etc). Martin Franklin, Givins Shaw School, Toronto.
TEACHER TIP # 2: Create a "Brain Dump" station where students consolidate
& reflect on their learning at several points during the class.
R. Robb, Heydon Park SS, Toronto.
Send your favorite teaching tip to me at Kathie@brains.org
Watch for more tips via Twitter: http://twitter.com/
------SECTION TWO: HOT TOPICS in Neuro & Educational Psychology------
HOT TOPIC # 1: Want a better study tool for your students? Test them! Or
have them test themselves, over and over. Tests are a very good learning
devise and testing, testing, testing seems to be a better study tool than just
restudying the material (especially for recall vs recognition material). The more
you retrieve, the easier it is to retrieve - makes sense.
Halamish, V & Bjork, R. (2011) When does testing enhance retention? A
distribution-based interpretation of retrieval as a memory modifier. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, Vol 37(4), 801-812.
HOT TOPIC #2: If you are involved in creating online courses, you may be
interested in this new study out this month showing that it's the synchronicity
of the learning experience that matters, more so than face-to-face vs online.
Researchers compared face-to-face learning with computer-mediated learning,
If the mediated learning involved synchronous social interaction, there was no
difference in cooperation, motivation, interest and achievement from the face-to-face
learning. In asynchronous courses, there was a decline in motivation, interest and
completion rates compared to face-to-face learning.
Roseth, C, Saltarelli, A. and Glass, C. (2011). Effects of face-to-face and computer-
mediated constructive controversy on social interdependence, motivation, and achievement.
Journal of Educational Psychology, Jul 4, 2011, (preview) No Pagination Specified
I'm very happy to announce my new book is finished and off to press!!
"Enhancing your Layered Curriculum® Classroom: Tips, Tune-Ups and
Technology" will be out in mid to late August. A sneak preview is now
available at the website and we'll be taking pre-orders in early August.
*** We offer the Layered Curriculum® TEXT and WORKBOOK set for
the direct, discounted price of $42.00.
** The "deluxe version" of the Layered Curriculum® Study Kit is
BACK IN STOCK and now the video comes in DVD format.
***We're now stocking " Spark: The revolutionary new science
of exercise and the brain" for those of you looking for
research to support more physical activity in your school.
You can order any of these and other recommended books at either online bookshop:
This is just a quick mid-summer "hello" to all of you. I know you're enjoying
the summer break, so we won't talk about back-to-school quite yet, OK?
I do want to let you know that I'll be heading back to the annual APA
national convention again in early August and look forward to passing
along the hottest new research to you. I'll be using my Twitter account to
give you some tidbits while there.
There are also 2 open Layered Curriculum® workshops in August, so if
you are looking to attend one, check out the calendar page for registration
links and materials. http://help4teachers.com/
is now open. If you are looking for a Layered Curriculum® workshop for next school year,
just send me an email.
As always, my best to you and yours,
Dr Kathie F Nunley
Layered Curriculum® . . . because every child deserves a special education (tm)
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