Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
---March '07 Edition--- (current subscribers: 19,013)
News and updates to http://brains.org and Kathie Nunley's
Layered Curriculum(R) Site for Educators: http://help4teachers.com

You can subscribe to this newsletter at:
Unsubscribe & EMAIL CHANGE information link at the bottom of this newsletter
SECTION ONE: Teaching Tips -
Teacher Tip # 1: I put different colored stickers on students' desks
and then use these to assign jobs for the groups. For example,
students with red stickers will turn in the papers for the group, etc.
Brandie Hellman, Nampa, ID

Teacher Tip # 2: Have students write their own "positive behavior"
postcards to their parents. No name, Kuna School District.

Teacher Tip # 3: I teach math and our students often forget to bring
a calculator to class. To keep my classroom supply from disappearing,
the kids have to give me their agendas, which contain their lunch pass,
in order to get a calculator. They are not about to miss lunch, so I
always get my calculators back!! D. McFall, Kansas

Send your favorite teaching tip to me at Kathie@brains.org
HOT TOPIC #1: Until recently, most researchers agreed that dyslexia,
regardless of the person's language, originates from a dysfunction of the
left posterior temporal brain region. Some new research begins to question
that universal source. Dyslexia in the Chinese seems to come from a
different region altogether (left middle frontal gyrus). However most of the
people looking at this issue still agree that regardless of your language,
dyslexia results from an inability to process the phonological features of
your language. Ziegler, J. (2006). Brain and Language, Vol 98(3), 341-343.

HOT TOPIC #2: In women, ovarian hormones can influence the effect
of some psychomotor stimulant drugs such as amphetamine and cocaine.
Women in the "follicular" stage of their menstrual cycle will be more affected
by these drugs than when used in the luteal phase of their cycle.
Terner, J. & DeWit, H., (2006). Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Vol 84(1), 1-13.

HOT TOPIC #3: New research is showing a promising way to identify adolescents
with a strong genetic predisposition to substance abuse. Research has indicated
for quite some time that a so called "p300 amplitude reduction" seen in a brain scan
can indicate a person at risk for alcohol dependence. Now researchers are using this in
adolescents, before any substance use begins and find that it does indeed seem
to indicate, especially in boys, an inherited predisposition to substance abuse.
Yoon, H. et al, (2006). Addictive Behaviors, Vol 31(6), 1067-1087.

More Hot Topics at the websites!

SECTION THREE: Website updates
****************NEW at the Help4Teachers.com********************

*** New Layered Curriculum® units:
~~ Sandy Fischl in Ontario sent 2 grade 9 math units on measurement.
~~DeLee Beadle in Ohio updated several of her Music units.
~~Kerri Tegtmeier in Iowa sent in a unit on "To Kill a Mockingbird".

View all the sample units at: http://help4teachers.com/samples.htm

The Layered Curriculum® text, workbook and video training kits are
available at a discounted price at:

****************** THE BRAINS.ORG SHOP: *******************************
Looking for recommended books? You'll find them at our Brains.org Shop.
You'll find books by David Sousa, Robert Sylwester, Carolyn Chapman,
Marcia Tate, Gayle Gregory, Sally Shaywitz, Alfie Kohn and more!
We also have colored overlays and our bestseller: "Differentiating the
High School Classroom."

You can order directly online with a credit card at: http://brains.org/store/index.htm
Or fax your institutional Purchase Order to 208-979-0678.
SECTION FOUR: Kathie's Email
Hi Kathie,
Can you let me know what a lecture outline would have on it and also
does the 2nd edition Layered Curriculum® have a lot of different/new info
in it. I already have the 1st one. Would it be useful for a 4th grade
teacher. Thanks so much. Dawni Schofield 4th Grade Roy Elementary

An "outline" can be just that - an outline of your lecture, with some
details left off (for students to fill out as they listen). Any kind of
graphic organizer would work as well.

The 2nd edition is quite different from the 1st edition which focused
primarily on the way Layered Curriculum® was originally designed
- for a 10th grade high school classroom. Once it spread to a wide
range of disciplines in K-12 classroom, modifications were made.
The 2nd edition deals with the Layered Curriculum® model in its
broadest terms. Best of luck, Kathie

(from the discussion forum)
Hi. I attended your workshop in Abbotsford and found it to be
enlightening. I feel very hemmed in by the learning outcomes. Is it
okay to have a lot of "required goals" but give a choice in the
types of products? I use the indicators for the chapter questions
and the prescribed learning outcomes for level 2. - Bonnie

In Canada they call them "learning outcomes", here in the US
we usually refer to them as "teaching objectives"- but it's all the
same: what do you need the student to know/demonstrate/use,
etc. Layered Curriculum® simply offers students a variety of ways
to learn each objective or outcome. For example, in [your]curriculum
you have a learning outcome: "Describe the events of the Red River
and Northwest Rebellions." That's what you need the kids to do / know.
BUT, HOW they get to that point can vary. So, yes, we all teach to
the outcomes or objectives given to us by our district, state,
province, but look for ways to offer students choice in how they meet
that objective. There must be many ways for students to learn about
the events of the Red River and Northwest Rebellion. The activity
choices vary, the prescribed outcomes or objectives remain the same.
I hope that helps! -Kathie

SECTION FIVE: Workshops/calendar schedule/misc
Welcome March!! Spring is coming, I know because the animals told
me last Tuesday. Really, Tuesday was the day. The cat woke from his
22 hour a day nap, the rooster added 15 minutes to his morning crowing
time, the cow suddenly gave more milk, and the geese began flying north
honking over the house. Those signs tell me more than the calendar and the
weather forecast. So despite the fact they predict wind chills of 20 below zero
for us tomorrow morning, I'm thinking spring thoughts!

I want to thank the wonderful teachers in Waterford, Wisconsin for their
terrific hospitality a couple weeks ago. I really enjoyed my visit there and
to beautiful Abbotsford, British Columbia. Thank you all.

This week I'm heading to Grand Rapids, Minnesota and Rocky Mount,
North Carolina where I'm looking forward to temperatures above 50 degrees.

New workshops are in the making for the Toronto area and Barrow, Alaska.
Watch the calendar page for details as they become confirmed.

Due to a couple of cancellations, I do have a few more openings in my 2007 calendar
now, so let me know if I can check a date for a workshop for your district
or conference.

As always, my best to you and yours,

Workshop information is available at the website
call: 603-249-9521
email: kathie@brains.org
Brains.org and Help4Teachers is located at:
54 Ponemah Road
Amherst, NH 03031

Layered Curriculum® is a trademark developed by and registered
to Dr. Kathie F Nunley. Usage information available at:
You are receiving this newsletter because you requested to be on my
mailing list by entering your email address at one of the two websites.
I NEVER share or sell my newsletter list, nor is it used for any other
purpose other than this bi-monthly newsletter. Should you need to be
removed from the list, or need to CHANGE your email address, you
can do so by simply clicking this link:

Dr Kathie F Nunley

Layered Curriculum(R) . . . because every child deserves a special education (tm)
Brains.org & Help4Teachers.com
54 Ponemah Rd
Amherst NH 03031
PH 603.249.9521
FX 208.979.0678

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