Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
---Mid-October 2006 Edition--- (current subscribers: 18,019)
News and updates to http://brains.org and Kathie Nunley's
Layered Curriculum (R) Site for Educators: http://help4teachers.com
~~~~The NO-MEMBERSHIP-REQUIRED website ~~~~
You can subscribe to this newsletter at: http://help4teachers.com/newsletter.htm
Un-subscribe & EMAIL CHANGE information link at the bottom of this newsletter
SECTION ONE: Teaching Tips -
Teacher Tip # 1: A good year-round bulletin board in my speech
therapy room: The first week I take a digital photo of each of my
students and mount it on construction paper. They then list on it
all the items they want me and the other students to know
(pets, home, likes, dislikes). I find my students are interested in
reading and re-reading it throughout the entire year.
No name, Brookings, SD workshop.
Teacher Tip #2: I have a "GREAT JOB" bulletin board in my
lower elementary classroom. Students each choose their own
work to display. They clip their paper to the board with a clothespin
decorated with a "G". Students frequently choose different papers than
I would. (They are not all perfect papers). Teacher, Waverly, SD.
Teacher Tip #3: To help get your loaner pens / pencils back from
students, use floral tape to tape a silk flower (or other light items related
to your subject) onto each pen and keep them in a bouquet (dry beans in
a flower pot work). Most students will remember to return these!
Pam Deminsky, Portville Central School, NY.
Send your favorite teaching tip to me at Kathie@brains.org
HOT TOPIC #1: Reading video game magazines may negatively
effect boys' body images, so say researchers. Elementary-aged boys
who read gaming magazines end up with a much lower opinion of their
own bodies than boys who read other types of magazines such as sports
and fitness magazines. Researchers believe this is due to the very unrealistic
male body images portrayed in video games. The effect is only found on
white boys, most likely because whites are over-represented as video
game characters. Dingfelder, S. (2006). Monitor on Psychology, Vol37(9), 21.
HOT TOPIC #2: Talking about emotional distress apparently reduces the
physical discomfort associated with it. Functional MRI studies show that
emotional distress, such as social rejection, increase activity in the anterior
cingulate cortex of the brain - an area also associated with physical pain.
Talking about the distress activates regions in the prefrontal cortex which
reduces the activity in the first region. So encouraging people to talk about
those situations which make them feel bad, will make them feel better.
Leiberman, M. (2003) Science, Vol 302, (5643), 290-292.
More Hot Topics at the websites!
SECTION THREE: Website updates
**New Layered Curriculum(R) units at Help4Teachers.com!!!
Wow, I asked, and you people were wonderful to answer my call for more
units. We'll give our poor webmaster a little time to get them all posted
but I sure appreciate all the contributions. Thank you. thank you.
Garry Knapp in Michigan sent in 2 Social Studies units.
Byron Hastings sent in a World War I unit.
Lydia Hallard in Canada sent in a unit on MacBeth.
Kylie Penke in Nebraska sent FOUR Biology units.
Rebecca Tice from Dryden, NY sent in a Spanish Unit for Middle School.
Amy Leskow in Olean, NY sent in NINE English Novel units.
Lynée Zajac Beck in Nevada sent in FIVE Life Science units
Richard Hernlund in Texas sent in an algebra unit.
Steve Zimmerman in PA sent in SIX Humanities units and TEN for World Cultures! .
Kathy Cassioppi in IL sent a unit on Ancient Greece.
You'll find all the units at: http://help4teachers.com/samples.htm
Email YOUR units to me at: kathie@brains.org
Have a question about Layered Curriculum(R) ?
Post your question at: http://help4teachers.com/forum.htm
Need a copy of the Layered Curriculum(R) TEXT or workbook?
Discounted copies are available at: http://help4teachers.com/books.htm
If your school's accounting department needs a W-9, sole source letter, or
other vendor information from our bookstore, just email BOOKS (@brains.org)
with your fax number.
Looking for recommended reading on Brain-based teaching and learning?
Visit our online shop: http://brains.org/store/index.htm
We carry a wide range of books on brain-based learning, including our
very popular "Differentiated Instruction" bundle of books, as well as
those hard-to-find colored overlays. We now have a new discounted
bundle of books specifically for High School teachers. Yes, the shop
accepts school Purchase Orders.
Where are we located?
We're at 54 Ponemah Road in Amherst, NH. You can reach the shop
electronically at BOOKS (@brains.org) or fax: 208-979-0678.
SECTION FOUR: Kathie's Email
Dr. Nunley: I was in attendance at your Iowa sessions on Monday.
I love the idea of Layered Curriculum(R) and have pitched it to several
of my colleagues. I have thought of one question from what I heard you
say during the second session. You mentioned that all students are
required to go to the A layer...in other words, they can not just do the
minimum C level and stick with that. I believe you mentioned that it was
your classroom expectation that they do more than the minimum, but
do you explain that to them as an expectation or do you require them
to do more? My point is, what keeps kids from doing the required points
for a C and then stopping? Thanks you for your time! Terry S, IA
Hi Terry, Ahh, my most frequently asked question: What keeps kids
from stopping at the C layer?
Basically, you just don't leave that as an option. (In reality, what keeps
kids from NOT doing homework, not working on a project, not coming
to take a test, etc with any teaching methodology. This, of course is a
basic issue in anyone's classroom environment regardless of your
teaching style). But with Layered Curriculum, the expectation is that all
students will at least attempt all layers. If you offer exciting, gross, weird,
edible, etc projects in your B layer, that helps, especially early in the year.
Also, the first couple of units may be done on a "daily" method, where the
whole class walks through all 3 layers together. This helps students see
that completing all 3 layers is a possibility for everyone. --Kathie
Dr. Nunley,
Richard Milburn Academy is an Alternative High School servicing a diverse
student body the majority of whom have been unsuccessful in the
traditional school environment. We were introduced to Layered Curriculum
at Region IV ESC before this school year started. I love it.
This is my first year teaching in this environment and the flexibility of the
Layered Curriculum Units make it unnecessary for me to assign make up
assignments at all. The model makes dealing with a student body that
misses a lot of class days due to pregnancy,legal and family problems
much easier.
We use as our primary instruction tool the People's Publishing Measuring
UP Text/Work Books which provide the majority of our C Level work.
Since our students tend to have very low expectations, I have changed the
terminology to Level One, Level Two and Level Three to disconnect the
Layers from any connection to grades.
Attached is an example of one of my units which I have made generic at
Level One. The Units are supported by a detailed Rubric for grading.
Please feel free to use the attached as you wish.
Richard Hernlund, Richard Milburn Academy, Houston, Texas
Richard, Thank you so much for your note and the unit. I've heard from your
principal and am excited to learn that your entire school is adopting Layered
Curriculum(R). I'll be very anxious to hear how things progress. Please stay in
touch! - Kathie
SECTION FIVE: Workshops/calendar schedule/misc
Greeting again to you all. I want to thank the teachers in Howell, Michigan
and the folks in Greensboro, North Carolina who were so hospitable this
past week as we worked on Layered Curriculum and the Brain. But of course,
it's always nice to be back home and this week especially with our colors in
full bloom here in New Hampshire. The holidays are just around the corner!
Thanks again to all of you who contributed new units this month to the website.
I'll anxiously await more as well. My calendar page of workshop locations is
updated also this month with our new workshops.
I am flattered by the school board in Peterborough, Ontario who were so impressed
with my latest book, "Differentiating the High School Classroom" that they bought a
copy for every high school teacher in the district! What a nice compliment. It's always
nice to hear how much many of you are finding that book valuable. High school
teachers are frequently forgotten when it comes to differentiation, so I'm happy to
provide some insights and support for what is truly an exciting way to teach.
As always, wishing my best to you and yours and please keep in touch.
Workshop information is available at the website
call: 603-249-9521
email: kathie@brains.org
Brains.org and Help4Teachers is located at:
54 Ponemah Road
Amherst, NH 03031
Layered Curriculum(R) is a registered trademark owned and developed
by Dr. Kathie F Nunley. Usage information available at:
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I NEVER share or sell my newsletter list, nor is it used for any other
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