Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Dr Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
---mid-September '09 Edition--- (current subscribers: 21,612)
News and updates to Kathie Nunley's Layered Curriculum®
Sites for Educators:
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Teacher Tip # 1: I give each of my students a large token - one side is
green, one side is red - just like you get at the steakhouses. I usually
just glue two pieces of colored construction paper together. If my students
are doing fine, they leave their cards on the green side. If they get stuck,
or just need a little assistance, they simply switch to red or quietly flash
the red to me. It's a great way for me to monitor who needs help.
Andrea W., LTPS

Teacher Tip # 2: Use a shoe organizer on the door for extra supplies.
(no name) workshop participant, Coolidge School, 3rd gr., Lansing, IL.

Send your favorite teaching tip to me at Kathie@brains.org

------SECTION TWO: HOT TOPICS in Neuro & Educational Psychology------
HOT TOPIC # 1: PTSD -doesn't have to be depressing. In reality, most
people come out of a trauma with resilience, strength and a new positive
outlook on life - something now termed "Post Traumatic Optimism".
Post war and inservice armed forces education will now focus on the positive,
resilient aspects of the experience. This new field of post traumatic growth,
called resilience training, is now coming to the Armed Forces. A new
comprehensive soldier fitness program will focus on family fitness,
spiritual fitness, emotional fitness and social fitness. Positive education
prevents depression and anxiety. Dr Martin Seligman, " Positive
Psychology/Education/Health and Neuroscience: A conversation with
Martin E.P. Seligman and Frank H. Farley". APA Conference,
Toronto, August 8, 2009.

HOT TOPIC #2: A review of the literature on communication intervention
strategies shows us there is no accepted standard for teaching language
to children with autism. Common practices are widely in place, but they
have rarely been adequately tested and / or show limited effectiveness.
We need methodologically sophisticated research in this field, given the
prevalence of autism and the history of its study. Dr Connie Kasari,
"Social Communication Interventions for Children with Autism
Spectrum Disorders." APA Conference, Toronto, August 8, 2009.

New items, programs and resources that have been developed over the summer.

=== I have added a district-wide implementation plan to my Layered Curriculum®
training offerings. Districts interested in implementing Layered Curriculum® system-
wide, can now do so through an 8 month program that starts with a whole-group
presentation, allows for practice, then follows up with an intense day training a
"seed group" of your selected teachers to be in-house district trainers. The trainers
and district are then provided feedback and follow-up via onsite classroom visits,
email and phone conferences.
For more information see: http://help4teachers.com/workshops.htm or email me
(reply to this newsletter) for a brochure of all my workshops and training offerings.

===We've added a deluxe version of the individual Layered Curriculum® study kit.
Available at: http://help4teachers.com/books.htm

=== I'm posting weekly teaching tips and hot topics on our new YouTube channel

===We have a new Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/layered.curriculum

===I'm now "twittering" updates as well at: http://twitter.com/kathienunley

=== Layered Curriculum® Text and Workbook Sets. (special pricing) are
always available at the either help4teachers.com or the brains.org shop:
We appreciate your business. http://www.brains.org/store

Kathie, I started to use the A, B, C, designations for the Layered Curriculum® unit,
but many students thought they only had to work for a C. So I changed the names to
Novice, Intern and Expert. We talked about what those three words mean and how
as you move on the list you are increasing your skills and abilities within that specific
unit - Geography, American Revolution, etc. I've been pleasantly surprised by the
choices the students have made, especially choosing to take notes during a lecture.
Suzie J., Lake Charles, LA

Hi Suzie,
Thanks for the note on your progress. Yes, some people find it more helpful to put
other names on the layers.... some label them colors, some just label them as they
are - "basic knowledge", "making connections" and "critical thinking"....I even know
of a 2nd grade teacher who names them for fruit - banana, orange, apple. You
have discovered one of the core principals here - you need to make it work for YOU
and YOUR population. Great Job. Keep me posted on how the year goes and
please share some units! - Kathie

Welcome to AUTUMN! What?...it's not autumn in the rest of the country?
What?...some of you still have your air-conditioners running? Well, here in
New England, it's autumn. I had the wood stove on last night while watching
the Patriot game, and this morning I listened to a honking south-bound flock
of geese overhead as I admired the bright red leaves peeking out along the
creek out back. I hope the rest of you get to enjoy this most wonderful season
soon too.

I have a feeling though that I'll be leaving autumn and heading into a few days
of winter next week as I travel north of the arctic circle to work with the teachers
in Inuvik, Northwest Territories. I'll be stopping along the way in Yankton, South
Dakota for a Monday morning session on the brain and differentiating with
Layered Curriculum®. I always enjoy my SD visits.

I see a lot of you are now following me on Twitter and on YouTube. I'll try to
keep you updated in the next couple of weeks with interesting sights and tidbits
as I travel about. I'll post some photos on our Facebook page of the schools
in the arctic region.

If you are looking for a Layered Curriculum® workshop to be conducted at your
school next year, my Spring / Summer 2010 calendar are now open. You can get
information at: http://help4teachers.com/workshops.htm or email me for an electronic

Finally, as promised, an update on the needs of the teachers at the Springs Alive
Village School in Uganda. They need: balls (all sizes), p
uzzles board games,
play materials, jump ropes, colored paper, crayons, slates, water colors, paint
brushes, paper of all sorts, flashcards, puppets, thread, student scissors,
science equipment (pulleys, beakers, etc), wall maps, tracing paper, clothes,
shoes, school bags.
We were able to see one shipment sent via FedEx International, get to the school
in its entirety. You can keep up with the project at: http://help4teachers.com/uganda.htm

As always, my best to you and yours,

Workshop information is available at the website
call: 603-249-9521
Email: kathie@brains.org
Brains.org and Help4Teachers is located at:
54 Ponemah Road
Amherst, NH 03031

Layered Curriculum® is a trademark developed by and registered
to Dr. Kathie F Nunley. Usage information available at:
You are receiving this newsletter because you requested to be on my
mailing list by entering your email address at one of the two websites.
I NEVER share or sell my newsletter list, nor is it used for any other
purpose other than this bi-monthly newsletter. Should you need to be
removed from the list, or need to CHANGE your email address, you
can do so by simply clicking this link:

Dr Kathie F Nunley
Layered Curriculum
(R) . . . because every child deserves a special education (tm)

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