Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
Monday, September 15, 2008
Dr Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
---Mid-September '08 Edition--- (current subscribers: 20,985)
News and updates to http://brains.org and Kathie Nunley's
Layered Curriculum(R) Site for Educators: http://help4teachers.com

~~The NO-MEMBERSHIP-REQUIRED website which blends current
psychology research with education.

You can subscribe to this newsletter at: http://help4teachers.com/newsletter.htm
Unsubscribe & EMAIL CHANGE information link at the bottom of this newsletter

Teacher Tip # 1: I ask students to watch for my errors when doing math
problems on the white board. If they catch a mistake, they get a reward
(bonus points, candy, etc. Jane Bartlett, Parkers Prairie Elementary, MN.

Teacher Tip #2: At the sound of the bell, I start immediately with a
2-minute activity that engages all the students (calculator game, story,
joke, etc). Helps ensure they get to class on time.
No name, workshop participant, MN.

Send your favorite teaching tip to me at Kathie@brains.org

HOT TOPIC # 1: Most of us know that sleep is a vital part of the learning process.
Humans and other primates are unique in that we have 4 stages of non-REM
sleep allowing a more detailed process. Stage 1 sleep is a "consolidation"
period where the brain sorts through the events from the day and weeds out those
that it deems not important enough for long term storage. Stage 2 sleep is a
time for "pruning". Most memory systems remain silent while the brain prunes
out unneeded dendrites. Our REM period is for synaptic strengthening.
By far, the biggest beneficiary of sleep is our brain. Datta, S. "Common Switch
for Dreaming and Memory Processing During Sleep": Symposium:
Sleep-Dependent Memory Consolidation and Neural Plasticity. Presented
at APA National Conference, Boston, MA Aug. 16, 2008.

HOT TOPIC #2: CORRECTION: In the Hot Topic # 2 last issue I misread my
lecture notes from the symposium on the correlation between global warming
and violent crime. The topic should have read:

One little-known expectation of our Global Warming is an
increase in violent crime. Every 2 degree (F) increase in global temperature
equals an increase of 30,000 more victims of violent crime, per year in the
US alone. Anderson, C. "Global Warming and Violence." Presented at APA National
Conference, Boston, MA Aug. 16, 2008.

More Hot Topics at the websites!

***New ***

===NEW BOOK. Hot off the Press:
With all the news stories this week on the economic woes and challenges
here in the US, it's rather ironic that this week launches the publication of
"The Successful Educator's Guide to Earning Extra Income." A break from
my usual topic of differentiation - this book addresses another side of the educator's
world. So many teachers over the years have asked me how they too can build a
business using their own unique areas of expertise and education, so I
recently teamed up with marketing expert, Kevin McCormick and we co-wrote
a book just for that topic. You'll find tips and ideas for capitalizing on your
knowledge and talents. You can order a copy of the book at:

=== Watch the tutorial on "Where to start with Layered CurriculumĀ®

===A Facilitator's Guide for "Differentiating the High School Classroom".
The guide is available with a new book study kits which includes
a special narrated PowerPoint exclusively from Help4Teachers and
Brains.org. http://help4teachers.com/video.htm

The Brains.org bookshop is always open and carries a wide range of
recommended reading as well as teaching aids. All orders are processed
and handled by a real human and we accept institutional purchase orders.
We appreciate your business. http://brains.org/store/index.htm

Hello Kathie,
I teach classes to classroom teachers who are aspiring to become
gifted ed. specialists. I would like the teachers to get interested in your
ideas, so I thought they could watch your video about getting started
(with Layered Curriculum) which is on your website. But, we are a
Mac district! Your video only works with Windows. Is there any way I
could get a DVD? Thank you! Please let me know.
Sincerely, Dianna D., AZ.

The tutorial video on the homepage is a short piece of narrated powerpoint
that was put together using a web conference program I use. I do not have
it in any other form unfortunately. I hope you can find a Windows platform
machine to view it in.

I hope to add more of these types of tutorials in the future but will try to
accommodate Mac users as well next time.
Best, Kathie


This is the best time of year here in New England and we are starting to see
the first signs of color blooming around us. The flock of honking geese overhead
reminds me that today is our first day of Fall. Happy Autumn everyone.

It's been a busy travel time for me. As some of you know, I've been on the road
for nearly a month. It was great to meet so many teachers and share Layered
Curriculum and differentiated strategies with educators across the US and
Canada this past month. I want to especially thank the teachers at SAILL in
Austin, Texas for their welcome this past week. I look forward to seeing some
units designed for your unique population.

I'm back in New Hampshire now for a several weeks before I head out to
Ann Arbor and Toronto in mid-October.

If you are looking at scheduling a Layered Curriculum workshop for your school,
my summer and fall 2009 calendars are now open - just send me an email.
If you are looking for a workshop to attend, you can find currently scheduled workshops
on my calendar page: http://help4teachers.com/calendar.htm

As always, my best to you and yours,

Workshop information is available at the website
call: 603-249-9521
email: kathie@brains.org
Brains.org and Help4Teachers is located at:
54 Ponemah Road
Amherst, NH 03031

Layered CurriculumĀ® is a trademark developed by and registered
to Dr. Kathie F Nunley. Usage information available at:
You are receiving this newsletter because you requested to be on my
mailing list by entering your email address at one of the two websites.
I NEVER share or sell my newsletter list, nor is it used for any other
purpose other than this bi-monthly newsletter. Should you need to be
removed from the list, or need to CHANGE your email address, you
can do so by simply clicking this link:
Dr Kathie F Nunley
Layered Curriculum(R) . . . because every child deserves a special education (tm)

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