Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
---June Edition--- (current subscribers: 17,197)
News and updates to http://brains.org and Kathie Nunley's
Layered Curriculum (tm) Site for Educators: http://help4teachers.com
You can subscribe to this newsletter at:
Unsubscribe & email change information link at the bottom of this newsletter
SECTION ONE: Teaching Tips -
Teacher Tip # 1: To help both teacher and students remember to use
encouraging statements post sentence stems on the wall. . . "I like the
way you. . ", "I knew I could count on you to. . . ", I would like to know
your opinion on that. . . " Mollie Lapi, BOCES Special Ed, Olean, NY.
Teacher Tip #2: Keep a mailbox for students to leave feedback, voice concerns,
etc. The "postman" can return mail. Karen Pontti, Cattaraugus - Little Valley, NY.
Teacher Tip #3: I use music stands around the room as designated "standing centers"
for students who are tired of sitting. Liz Halbur, Derfelt Elementary, Las Vegas, NV.
Send your favorite teaching tip to me at Kathie@brains.org
HOT TOPIC #1: Music lessons make children smarter. So says brand new
research out this month from the University of Toronto. Researchers found that
children's IQ scores increase an average of 1 point per 6 months of lessons.
So, in theory, a child taking music lessons from age 7 to age 12 would have
an increase of 10 points in their IQ due to the music. We will be watching
this research as details are released. Schellenberg, G. et al (2006)
Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 98, (2).
HOT TOPIC #2: If you are a person who uses both your left and right hand for
various tasks (an attribute called mixed-handedness) you probably have a brain
whose left and right hemispheres are more strongly connected than someone
who has a strong hand preference. This can give you some bonuses other than
just the convenience of having 2 hands to use! Researchers are finding that
mixed-handed people have stronger episodic memory systems (the ability to
remember personal life events, like your 2nd grade school year) and
are able to remember earlier childhood experiences. Episodic memory uses
both left and right hemispheres and develops around age 4 with the corpus
callosum connecting the two sides. A strong corpus callosum also gives
one the ability to do some tasks with either hand. Winerman, L. (2006)
Monitor on Psychology, Vol 37(6), 18 - 19.
More Hot Topics at the websites!
SECTION THREE: Website updates
***NEW at the Help4Teachers.com****:
~~ Creating a Nation (H.S.) Nate Webster, Las Vegas
~~ Escape from Slavery - (MS) Debbie Baretto
~~ Lupita Manana (MS) Debbie Baretto
~~ The Shark Callers (MS) Debbie Baretto
~~ Emotions (Kinder). Gloria Ruttman, KS
NOTE: Some of these units just arrived this week AND our webmaster is getting
married this month (congratulations David!!!!) so let's be patient with him - it may
take a couple of days to see them posted.
NEW DISCUSSION FORUM: Our discussion forum is back!! If you have
a question you'd like me to answer, please post it at the forum. I promise to
visit several times a week and respond. Other Layered Curriculum educators and
trainers from around the globe will give you some feedback too!
Layered Curriculum text, workbook and video training materials
can be found at: http://help4teachers.com/books.htm
***NEW at the Brains.org SHOP: ***
David Sousa's 3rd Edition of "How the Brain Learns". just arrived.
We also have some great summer reading bundles.
SECTION FOUR: Kathie's Email
Dear Dr. Nunley,
Here is a sample Unit on US History "Creating A Nation." Your instruction
on Layered Curriculum and my implementation of it this year has changed my
whole perspective on how to educate my students. It's brilliant...Thank
You! Nate Webster, Indian Springs H.S., Las Vegas, Nevada
Thank you Nate! You unit is going up on the website. - Kathie
Dear Dr. Nunley:
Hi. It's almost the end of the school year! It went by so fast.
Layered Curriculum has helped me a lot in my classes.
I started using it on a regular basis in the beginning of second
quarter, and I've been using it ever since. My students are used
to Layered Curriculum by now, and they are doing really well.
Their grades and skills are steadily improving. Thank you for
Layered Curriculum. I am attaching here my last 3 units for this year.
Have a great summer.
In the Service of Children, Debbie Barretto
Debbie, Thanks so much for your continued openness to share your units!!
I've sent your latest to our webmaster for posting. - Kathie
FROM THE DISCUSSION FORUM (help4teachers.com/forum.htm)
I am interested in using Layered Curriculum in my classroom next
year, but I am worried. I teach special education (middle school),
but my kids are pretty low and all different levels. Is it
possible to order a training video that talks you through it. I did
read your books, but I still am not sure where to begin. HELP!!!!
Karen, Just remember to start slow. Begin with your current method
of instruction and add one piece - probably "choice" is the best start.
Start by slowly adding a little student choice, then when you and
your students are comfortable, add more choice and the other
components. It's actually pretty easy - just start small.
SECTION FIVE: Workshops/calendar schedule/misc
Is it really June already? Oh, my gosh, where did the year go?
It's a beautiful day here in New England now that we've warmed up and dried out.
Today I'm enjoying the sights and sounds of late spring. The bumblebees are
working the Rhododendron flowers out front, the orioles are singing, and my new
little "Silver Crested" rooster is learning to crow. (It sounds more like a party horn
than a crow - but I'm trying not to laugh in front of him.)
Last week I had the pleasure of working with the administrators in the Joliet
Public School system. I look forward to my return in August to work with the
teachers. I also had a wonderful day at Derfelt Elementary school in Las
Vegas with a faculty who has had a great deal of Layered Curriculum experience.
Many of the teachers there have been using it for a few years. It was exciting to
hear principal Greg Mingo share how in the beginning parents were a bit hesitant,
but now he has many, many parents coming and asking him to place their child in
a Layered Curriculum classroom as they've had such success with it.
Later this month I'll be at the Regional Center in Wichita Falls, Texas and then
at Corwin's Differentiating Instruction and the Brain Conference in Virginia Beach.
I hope to see many of you there.
New workshops and conferences are in the planning for Edmonton, AB; Grand Rapids, MN;
Joliet, IL; and Las Vegas. I update my calendar as things are confirmed.
You may be interested also in knowing that our two Houston trainers,
Helen Griffin and Adrian Sorrell have updated their calendar for the 2 day workshops
they offer through their Regional Center in Houston on Layered Curriculum.
Congratulations to all the graduates this month - with a personal note congratulating my
daughter who will be graduating high school here from Souhegan High School in 2 weeks.
I wish everyone a safe and relaxing summer. And, as always, my best to you and yours,