Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Dr Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
---mid-March 2012 Edition--- (current subscribers: 14,718)
News and updates to Kathie Nunley's Layered Curriculum® Sites for Educators:

unsubscribe and email change links at the bottom
TEACHER TIP #1: I use dry erase markers directly on my tables and
desks. If you use low odor, you must use a spray to completely erase.
If you get the regular, it wipes right off. We use socks as erasers. My kids
love it. At the end of the day I wipe tables off and they are ready for the
next time. This is amazing for math and spelling. Catherine Miller
Elementary Special Education, Santa Fe School District

TEACHER TIP # 2: Empty CD cases with a white piece of a paper or
cardstock in it can be used for mini wipe off boards. - Ann Walker (email)

Send your favorite teaching tip to me at Kathie@brains.org
Watch for more tips via Twitter: http://twitter.com/kathienunley

------SECTION TWO: HOT TOPICS in Neuro & Educational Psychology------
From my new page: Research Making News Right Now: available at:

HOT TOPIC # 1: Are you an "owl" or a "lark"? It may make a difference in
your mood and health. While most adolescents are "owls" the fewer "larks" or
morning-type adolescents have more positive overall affect and better
subjective health. The greater the "morningness" of an individual, the greater
the positive affect. This may be the reason older people in general report
being happier. Biss, R. & Hasher, L. (2012, Feb 6). "Happy as a lark:
Morning-type younger and older adults are higher in positive affect."
Emotion, preview nps.

HOT TOPIC #2: The emotional climate of the classroom makes a
big difference in academic performance among middle school students.
Regardless of teaching style or instruction, a positive emotion classroom
creates more student engagement and results in better academic
performance. Reyes, M. et al (2012, Mar 5). "Classroom Emotional
Climate, Student Engagement, and Academic Achievement".Journal
of Educational Psychology, nps.

More Hot Topics at the webstie: http://brains.org
New Layered Curriculum® Units:

1. Jayne Perkins in Maine sent a new unit on "The Human Body".
2. Marci Farmer in South Dakota sent a new unit on "Introducing Layered Curriculum".

New Article Posted: "Five Reasons Why the Economic Downturn Could
be Good for You and Your School"

News from the Bookshop:
The Bookshop now offers FREE shipping on all orders over $40, which
includes our new bundles: The Reading Teacher's Bundle & and The
Classroom Management Bundle

Thank you for the information presented at the West Holmes Inservice day .
I have 2 questions for you.
1) How do you feel about the use of smartboard technology replacing
manipulating cards? Using cards the student would physically pick up a
card with a letter and place it in the initial position of the word. Using the
smartboard, the student would drag a letter and move it to a location.
2) You mentioned some students were not wired to learn as early as
we are expecting them to. What do we do with these students who are
not ready? Is it okay to present the material and not expect mastery
until a certain age? - Eleanor R.

Hi Eleanor,
1. There is no ONE right way to teach anything - and that includes the
use of technology. Do you have to choose one over the other? Can you
use both? Alternate? My guess is some children would benefit from
one over the other and some from using both. The more ways you
can present a concept, the better.

2. Children vary in readiness to learn certain tasks, but not to learn
anything. So, if a child is not ready to learn to read for example, they
are certainly ready to learn other things. Continue to present the
reading tasks, but don't push it - make sure you provide alternative
learning activities (math, motor skills, etc) so they can make good
use of the instructional time.
Hope that helps, Kathie

Happy Ides of March everyone. Hope a little spring time is creeping into
your neck of the woods. We're in true New England spring mode here - days
in the 60's followed by days in the 40's, repeat....

Thank you again to the Kern Reading Association in Bakersfield, California
who made another nice donation for the Springs Alive village school in Uganda.
Not only does your support help feed the children there, but it inspired a local
girl scout troop here to run a spring fundraiser to help get their water bore
put in for the school and the village. Information on the project is at:

I have a new article written and posted on the website on the brighter side
of the economic downturn - you may actually see improvements in school.

Lots of new Layered Curriculum® workshops in the making and the calendar
page has been updated. We now have upcoming open presentations in Maine,
NYC, Manitoba and South Africa. New workshops also in the planning for
California and Ohio. I list contact information as soon as things get confirmed.

If you are looking to host a Layered Curriculum® workshop at your location, just let me know.

As always, my best to you and yours,

Dr Kathie F Nunley
Layered Curriculum® . . . because every child deserves a special education (tm)
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