Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Dr Kathie Nunley's Educator's Newsletter
---Mid-October '08 Edition--- (current subscribers: 21,071)
News and updates to http://brains.org and Kathie Nunley's
Layered Curriculum(R) Site for Educators: http://help4teachers.com
~~The NO-MEMBERSHIP-REQUIRED website which blends current
psychology research with education.
You can subscribe to this newsletter at: http://help4teachers.com/newsletter.htm
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Teacher Tip # 1: Put your course curriculum up on a webpage for parents
and students so that everyone has a clear understanding of what is
supposed to be learned in the course. Kevin Minch, MN.
Teacher Tip #2: Make-up small, "Door-Talk Cards". When students enter
your classroom, greet several ( never all in one day!) with a card.
These are preprinted notes that can be prepared in advance by computer
with sayings like: "Keep up the Great Work", "I'm glad you are back! We
missed you!", "I noticed you are working really hard in here. Keep up the
good work!" This will encourage the students and have all of them wanting to
get a door-talk card too!. (Linda sent a little example that looks about the size
of a business card with a cute little character face on it giving a thumbs-up
and saying "Great Work Yesterday, Can't Wait to Hear From You Today").
Linda Kellner, Assistant Principal, Baldwin Sr. H.S., Baldwin, NY.
Send your favorite teaching tip to me at Kathie@brains.org
HOT TOPIC # 1: If you still subscribe to the stereotype that boys are
better at math, please note that the research doesn't support it.
Looking at standardized math scores from over 7 million children in
early elementary through high school, researchers at the University of
Wisconsin found no differences between the genders.
Hyde, J. et al. (2008). Science, Vol 321(5888), 494-495.
HOT TOPIC #2: Lead exposure in childhood continues to be a social
problem in many arenas. New research indicates that lead exposure
prenatally as well as in early childhood can lead to a significant decrease
in the brain's gray matter in early adulthood. Lead exposure, in males
in particular caused reduced volume in the prefrontal cortex. Other
research links early lead exposure to antisocial behavior in adulthood
as well. Exposure to lead before age 6 increases a person's chance
of being arrested for a violent crime in adulthood.
Bellinger, D. (2008). Neurological and Behavioral Consequences of
Childhood Lead Exposure. PLoS Med, 5(5), e115.
More Hot Topics at the websites!
===New Layered Curriculum UNITS:
** 3rd grade Math units on Addition, Place Value and sent in by trainer,
Angela Kanerva, Michigan.
===There is a video / audio tutorial on the homepage of Help4Teachers
that addresses one of the most frequently asked question:
"Where do I start with Layered CurriculumĀ®?" Available for PC formats,
you can download and watch it at: http://help4teachers.com
-- A break from my usual topic of differentiation - this book addresses another
side of the educator's world. So many teachers over the years have asked
me how they too can build a business using their own unique areas of
expertise and education, so I recently teamed up with marketing expert,
Kevin McCormick for a book on that topic. You can get more information
and / or order a copy of the book at: http://www.brains.org/teacherincome/
The Brains.org bookshop is always open and carries a wide range of
recommended books and teaching aids. All orders are processed
and handled by a real human and we accept institutional purchase orders.
New recommended book bundles and book study kits are available at both
For Differentiating with Layered Curriculum, visit:
For recommended books on a variety of subjects specific to education, visit:
I enjoyed all the information you presented to my school last year - very
informative. However, I'm a math teacher and I'm still struggling as to how
to make Layered Curriculum work for my middle school math classes.
Isaac, J., TX.
Hi Isaac,
I get questions from math teachers quite frequently, so you are not alone
in your struggle. Rest assured, you can run a differentiated classroom,
even for math! If you are setting up a Layered Curriculum unit, don't be
afraid to keep a lot of "traditional" types of direct instruction in the C layer.
Students do not need a choice for all objectives. Look for at least a couple
of places though that you can add choice in the C layer (maybe just in
some seatwork /homework options). But you should be able to come up
with lots of student choice in the B and A layers.
In addition to the examples other teachers have put on the website, I
have included a few examples in David Sousa's book, "How the Brain
Learns Math" - if that helps. -- Kathie
Happy Autumn Everyone! 'Tis the season for pumpkins, red and yellow leaves,
football games and sweaters. I hope you are enjoying the new season as
much as I am. The colors of New England have been particularly brilliant
this year.
I'm looking forward though to my trip next week out to Michigan to do some
Layered Curriculum training with the teachers at Greenhills School in Ann Arbor
and then back up to Toronto for another day with the Toronto District School
New workshops are in the making for New York and Minnesota. As details
are worked out, you can find out about registration information at the calendar page.
For those of you looking to schedule a "Differentiating with Layered Curriculum"
workshop for your school, my summer and fall 2009 calendars are open.
As always, my best to you and yours,
Workshop information is available at the website
call: 603-249-9521
email: kathie@brains.org
Brains.org and Help4Teachers is located at:
54 Ponemah Road
Amherst, NH 03031
Layered CurriculumĀ® is a trademark developed by and registered
to Dr. Kathie F Nunley. Usage information available at:
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I NEVER share or sell my newsletter list, nor is it used for any other
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removed from the list, or need to CHANGE your email address, you
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Dr Kathie F Nunley
Layered Curriculum(R) . . . because every child deserves a special education (tm)